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Is it Normal for My AC to Run Constantly in Hot Weather?

Most climates have temperatures that peak around 80 F, even at the height of summer heat. In moderate heat, the AC will typically cycle off and on, providing just enough cooling to keep your home comfortable without going overboard. But during extreme heat waves (and in hotter climates) you might notice your AC running constantly.

If you are wondering “Is it normal for my AC to run constantly in hot weather?” The answer is yes. But because constant running can also indicate inefficiency or malfunction, it’s important to consider all the factors.

Why Is Your AC Running Constantly?

There are several reasons why an AC might run constantly, some perfectly normal and some signs of trouble.

  • High Outdoor Temperatures: Homes are usually kept in the 70-80 degree range during summer. So when outdoor temperatures go above 90, your AC may need to run constantly to keep up—especially during midday to early evening when the temperatures are hottest.
  • Thermostat Settings: If you set your AC to a temperature too low to reach, it will constantly try to reach it. It’s best to set it to a moderate temperature (ex: 75 to 78) to reduce strain on the system.
  • Humidity Levels: Florida humidity is notorious. This high humidity may cause your AC to run more to maintain a comfortable indoor humidity level.
  • System Size and Efficiency: A properly sized AC for your home will typically cycle. An AC that is too small, underpowered, or has lost efficiency to age may have to run more steadily to keep up with your cooling needs. Modern units are also more efficient and better at handling extreme temperatures.
  • Insulation and Air Leaks: The insulation in your home also influences AC efficiency (from heat/cold transfer and lack of temperature stability). Improving installation can put less stress on your AC.

When to Be Concerned

When is it abnormal or a problem if your AC is running constantly? Here are the signs you need to know. signs.

  • Increased Energy Bills: If your AC is suddenly using more kilowatts to cool, it could reflect a mechanical issue, a wrong thermostat setting, or a clog that needs clearing. Watch your power bills for a spike or steady rise.
  • Inconsistent Cooling: An AC that can’t keep up – or alternates between hot and too cold – is likely malfunctioning. Inconsistent cooling could indicate it’s time for a repair, coolant top-up, or replacement.
  • Frequent Repairs: An AC that constantly needs repairs, and shows other unusual activities like constant running or cycling, can indicate it’s time to plan for an efficient replacement.
  • Strange Noises: Banking, hissing, clanging, or scraping noises usually indicate a mechanical issue that needs immediate repair – and could mean a replacement is on the cards.

What You Can Do

If your AC is running constantly and you are concerned, there are several steps you can take to diagnose or remedy the problem.

  • Regular Maintenance: ACs should be inspected, cleaned, and repaired at least once a year to keep them running smoothly. Your technician can also tell you if an AC constant running is normal with your climate and settings.
  • Check Your Thermostat: Adjust your thermostat based on the outside temperature. Set it as warm as you can tolerate to reduce the demand during heat waves. In the winter, set it cooler so your system isn’t constantly heating. A programmable thermostat can help automatically improve efficiency.
  • Improve Home Insulation: Upgrade your home insulation with weather stripping, window caulk, and attic insulation to trap cool air. This way, your AC doesn’t have to re-cool the house as often.
  • Consider a Replacement Unit: Older ACs that require frequent repairs are approaching the end of your lifespan. Pencil in a time and budget for a replacement in the next year or two. A new AC can lower energy bills and achieve more efficient cooling.
  • Consult a Professional: If you’re unsure what’s up with your AC but have concerns, an HVAC professional can help diagnose and repair problems before they become major issues. They can also help you plan for a cost-effective replacement when necessary.

Consult With Florida AC Experts

An AC running constantly during heat waves of 90 F or above is perfectly normal. But if it’s running constantly at temperatures below 85 or there are other signs of trouble, schedule a maintenance check. You can get a cleaning, diagnosis, and repairs in one visit to ease your mind and ensure your AC is running optimally.

Call Mid-Florida Heating & Air today to book your HVAC maintenance services!

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